
Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Eps 2 : Raspberry Macaron (Italian Meringue)

Hello everyone, yesterday i made a Raspberry Macaron, one of my husband's favourite dessert. 
I'm using an Italian Method, which is different from the usual macaron recipe (french Macaron).
I actually prefer this method better because it has more stable results and comes out perfect almost every time. 

You're going to need :

1. 106 grams of almond flour 

2. 92 grams of powdered sugar
3. 40 grams (approx 1.5 eggs) of egg whites
4. 45 grams of egg whites
5. 118 grams of granulated white sugar
6. 79 grams of water

Preheat the oven to 170 degrees and turn it down to 150 degrees once it reached 170 degrees. Then line your cookie sheet with parchment paper, and you can put the template under your parchment paper. 

First strain the almond flour, so you can get rid of any lumps. You can buy the almond flour at your local bakery store, or you can make your own. Here's how to make it :

- You can use either almond flakes or blanched almond, then using a food processor (or you can use the coffee grinder)  grind the almond until they become a fine powder. if you find it not fine enough, use a blender after to grind it further.

- Then process it through a sieve and return the leftover large bits to the processor and re-grind. 

Sift together your almond flour and powdered sugar. Mix it well, then make a little well in the middle of the mixture. 

Add the 40 grams of egg whites in the well, then with spatula stir it evenly until it become a thick almond paste. 

in a small saucepan combine the granulated white sugar and water and put it on the stove on medium heat. Heat it up until it becomes a thick syrup, and reach 120 degrees C. After it reached 120 degrees C,  take it off the stove immediately. 

Meanwhile, place the 45 grams of egg whites into mixing bowl and whisk it until it forms soft peaks. 

Once you have soft peaks and your sugar syrup reached 120 degrees C, pour the syrup down the side of the mixing bowl while keep whisking it. Do not stop whisking, otherwise the syrup will crystalize at the bottom of the bowl. Then continue whisking for about 5 minutes until your egg whites peaks become stiff and glossy (meringue).

Taking one third at a time, mix the meringue with the almond paste mixture, and continue adding the rest of your meringue. 

If you want add colour to your batter, this is the right time. Using a toothpick, take the colour you want and put it to the batter. I'm using the baby pink colour got this macaron. Just keep in mind that for macaroni, the colour will become softer once you bake it, so dont worry to put more colour in it. 

Continue mixing until it become a lava-like mixture, and it will be a ribbon shape when you drop the batter using your spatula. You can test it by dropping a little bit of the batter on the top, if the peak disappears within 20 seconds, it's good to go. if it's not, continue beating the batter.

Put the batter into the pipping bag, and using the small round tip pipe it to the parchment paper then it ready to go to the oven. 

Bake for 7-10 minutes until a shoft shell and a satin gloss has formed. I put my macaron in the middle rack of the oven. 

Take it out of the oven and let it cool for about 5 minutes until you peel it away. And there you have it your Macaron. I put some homemade raspberry filling for this macarons :)

Some tips : I put it on top before, but it came out over cooked and the shell became brown :(. If this is your first attempt for making macaron, i suggest you to watch them for the first 5 minutes, because everyone's oven are different. Sometimes they're just too hot than the indicator says. It took me several baking trial to get to know my oven "character"


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